پروپوزال (انگلیسی)


1. Proposal

 Administering organization

 Proposal Title

(Provide a short descriptive title of no more than 20 words. Avoid the use of acronyms, quotation marks and upper case characters.)

 Field of Research


(In no more than 100 words of plain language, summarize aims, significance and expected outcomes.)

 Keywords (up to 4 words)

Description of Project/Program of Research
(Please upload a Project Description, in no more than[four] A4 pages. Please use the following sections: Aims, Background, Method, Significance and Innovation)

* In Significance and Innovation provide:
- Clinical relevance of the proposed project (If this is primarily a basic science research, indicate how the produced knowledge is expected to have clinical implications in the long term.)
- Specify the national and international collaborators and their institution (if applicable).
- How does the proposed project increase national research capacity?


  • تعداد بازدید : 1528